McMahon is a Dill Hole...
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And Other Askew Observations
By: Jack Black

So the XFL is a bust, the WCW invasion angle is a steamy pile, Vince is about to be taken to court by ECW creditors, Eric Bischoff is forced to take the stand in the Atlanta Gold Club case and admit he received sexual favors from strippers.

Is there a better time to be a pro wrestling journalist? The system is folding in on itself, and I for one am wearing a huge shit eating grin!

It couldn't be happening to a group of nicer people. Vince and Eric the two men who single handedly all but destroyed professional wrestling in North America.

With their tits and ass, fireworks and style over substance approach to pro wrestling these two bumble fucks are getting what's coming to them.

What's that quote from Malcom X, "The chickens are coming home to roost..."

For every good talent these guys have smothered and fucked with, for every talented wrestler these guys have buried and went with an old, slow non talented worker (Nash, Hogan, Big Show et all) I hope they both get left for dead.

Maybe this opens the door for some hero to come and build his own federation. I know, I know...the first thing you hear is, "do you have Million and a TV contract?". Don't let this distract you. Push on my brother for great is your reward in heaven. Build a company founded on workrate - pull in Luche Libre and Japanese talent. Raid Stampede wrestling for the best trained North American wrestlers. You can do it! Deliver a show that is 20% storyline and 80% action. You can do this...

And while your ratings grow (slowly at first) you'll win back the advertisers McMahon has lost due to his content. Build mighty faces and cowardly heels...reach for the stars!

Drive the last nail in McMahon and Bischoff's coffin by booking the mainevent of the evening a triple threat match between Benoit, Storm and Jericho for your Heavyweight strap...

You can do it! If you build it, they will come...

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