bob and JaCK's HALL OF SHAME.
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Ric Flair

International Flavor

All we can say is shit...these guys are a plague on pro wrestling.
Damn dill holes! They're everywhere. These guys almost killed pro wrestling. Some may still. We hate these guys and let us tell you why...

1998 Ole Anderson

Words can't begin to explain our distain for this man. He founded the "good ol' boy" network in the back, and booked only has beens and never will bees to win big matches. He bankrupted Georgia Championship Wrestling and almost completly destroyed WCW. His booking was lazy and pointless. His ideas were stale. Besides he couldn't stand Tom we hate him. Tommy's our boy! So, in a act of revenge reserved normaly for the Black Scorpion (snicker...) we desided to give this space to the "Z-Man".

Ole what a dickhead...

1999 Scott Hall aka Razor Ramon the Bad Guy.
These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
2000 Kevin Nash aka Deisel and Big Sexy...hmmm
Ok we know the picture isn't Big Kev' (whatever...) it's of a true big man in pro wrestling Jason Arndt aka Viper aka Joey Abs (nice gimmick McMahon...dill hole!). Rather than use a picture of a no good, clique fucking, book yourself to win and need we say lazy mail box money collector Kevin Nash. We thought we'd show you the future of big men in our sport the "Human War Machine" Joey Abs.
2001 Vince "The Human Dill Hole" McMahon
I think we have said all we can say about flash over substance. Sizzle over steak. Vince McMahon is a vampire, sucking the blood out of young talent and filling our airwaves with tits and ass!

Vince Sr. must be sooo proud.