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By: silent bob


Shooting Himself In The Ass.

Well some people thought that Vince McMahon buying the WCW would lead to great interpromotional battles. Goldberg vs. Austin, The Rock vs. Ric Flair, Sting vs. Benoit and so on...

How wrong could they be. I'm happy to see some of the WCW talent they've recruited (Storm, Awesome most notibly), but most are mid card talent that came cheap.

So recently on Raw 7/16 we had Austin turn face and plow through all of the WCW roster delivering Johnny Ace's "stunner" (It's true...)to anyone in the ring. And while it was a sure POP to the crowd in attendance and even spiked the ratings, in the long run Vince is ruining (yet again) the future of what could be the angle of the last 20 years in North American Sports Entertainment.

By having Austin deliver a beating to the entire ECW/WCW roster Vince has killed the Golden Goose all for a quick pop in the ratings. The booking is at fault and so are the writers, but in the end the responsibility can only fall on one man...Vince.

Once again the talent is calling the shots and with HHH and the Rock both out, Vince is allowing Austin to build himself up as a superman. And while the payoff in the present is good (peek in ratings)the future looks bleak indeed.

All Vince had to do was leave a few of the ECW/WCW roster absent from the beating. In a way feeding the fued down the road...have Awesome, RVD, Storm and Tazz absent from the ring. Shane sent them home early. Anything, just keep them away from Austin. This pushes them up the card and elevates these stars to the spots they deserve.

Vince you did it again, you shot yourself, your company in the ass.

I guess somethings never change.